Farm Show 25

We’ll provide rainchecks if we’re able, but items are while supplies last. Selection varies by store, view availability online at Small Animal Supplies & Feed Pet Apparel 25% OFF REG PRICE 25% OFF REG PRICE Triple Dewormer Effective against roundworms, hookworms & tapeworms Learn more MYWILCOLIFE.COM ON HOW TO PROTECT YOUR PET WITH AT-HOME VACCINES AT Small Dog/Puppy 2pk Small Dog/Puppy 12pk Med/Large Dog 2pk Med/Large Dog 12pk Dog & Cat Vaccines 25% OFF REG PRICE 25% OFF REG PRICE IN-STORE ONLY All Wild Bird BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF Dog & Cat Toys BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF Skouts Honor Stain & Odor Products BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF All Kennels & Exercise Pens 25% OFF REG PRICE FRI 14 MON TUE FEB28 FEB27 FEB26 FEB25 SAT SUN SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN SUN WED WED WED THU THU THU FRI FRI SAT SAT MON MON TUE TUE FEB24 FEB23 FEB22 FEB 21 FEB20 FEB19 FEB18 FEB17 FEB16 FEB15 FEB FEB13 FEB12 FEB11 FEB10 FEB 9 FEB 8 FEB 7 FEB 6 FEB 5 FEB 4 FEB 3 FEB 2 FEB 1 WEEK 3 SAVINGS 15 PET & WILD BIRD All Prices with Wilco Family Rewards! WEEK 3OFFERS GOOD FEB 15TH-21ST