We’ll provide rainchecks if we’re able, but items are while supplies last. Selection varies by store, view availability online at farmstore.com All Bell & Splint Boots 15%OFF REG PRICE Safe-Guard Equibits 1.25lb, Feed and deworm in a single step with palatable alfalfa based pellets. #212370 Panacur Horse Dewormer Paste 25gm #9101866 Safe-Guard Horse Paste 25gm #157127 $15 $15 $13 All Equerry’s Horse Supplements All Durvet Horse Supplements All Saddle Pads & Cinches Leather Care Products All Presitge Horse Vaccines Redmond Rock Minerals 5lb, Choose from Daily Red Crushed, Fortified, Crushed w/ Garlic or Stress Relief All Farnam Horse Supplements 20% OFF Reg Price 20% OFF Reg Price 15% OFF Reg Price 15% OFF Reg Price 20% OFF Reg Price All Horse Guard Supplements 10lbs or Less $5OFF Reg Price $5OFF Reg Price $5OFF Reg Price 24lb or More $15 OFF 9lb $20 $13 Flix Horse Treats 4lb, Made of 100% flaxseed. These treats are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which promote shiny coats and help alleviate stiff joints. #1168248 PowerPac $99 (Contains 5 57gm Tubes) IN-STORE ONLY MON TUE FEB28 FEB27 FEB26 FEB25 SAT SUN SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN SUN WED WED WED THU THU THU FRI FRI FRI SAT SAT MON MON TUE TUE FEB24 FEB23 FEB22 FEB 21 FEB20 FEB19 FEB18 FEB17 FEB16 FEB15 FEB14 FEB13 FEB12 FEB11 FEB10 FEB 9 FEB 8 FEB 7 FEB 6 FEB 5 FEB 4 FEB 3 FEB 2 FEB 1 WEEK 2 SAVINGS 12 EQUINE All Prices with Wilco Family Rewards! WEEK 2OFFERS GOOD FEB 8TH-14TH